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intersil selection guide digital largest selection of dcps (digitally controlled potentiometers) volatile/non-volatile single/dual/quad
2 | www.intersil.com/dcps-dccs + + = resistor ladder resolution: 4-bit to 10-bit r total : 1k to 100k dcp tssop, sc-70, sot-23, tqfn i 2 c, spi, up/down, pushbutton register store non-volatile: e 2 prom volatile: ram digital control advantage dcp mechanical potentiometer reliability not susceptible to mechanical vibration & higher tolerance to environmental factors. have moving parts, so can be more sensitive to vibration, humidity, etc. power-up dcps with eeprom will store setting until user changes the value in memory (~100k to 1m times). if glue is used to prevent wiper movement, the device setting cannot be changed. control digital control - reduced manufacturing costs and enables factory automation manual control C increases setup time and accuracy is reliant on technician size typically smaller typically larger advantage dcp dac flexibility of output terminals 3 terminals allow use as either voltage divider or variable resistor. also allows user to change voltage at terminal ends. terminals are usually fixed rail to rail. no flexibility to change between i out and v out . power-up output setting non-volatile dcps have eeprom where a user can store power-up settings. output typically has default settings like volatile dcps. digital interface multiple choices: i 2 c, spi, u/d, push-button primarily i 2 c or spi a dvant a ges of dcp vs. devices with similar functions wh at is a dcp digitally controlled potentiometers are integrated circuits incorporating a resistor ladder with its associated registers, non- volatile or volatile memory, and a digital interface providing direct communication between a host and both the resistor ladder and memory. r egister store dcp wiper position is stored in a register. when power is reset, a volatile dcp typically sets the wiper position to midscale or zero-scale at power-up. when the power is cycled for a nonvolatile dcp, the last value stored in the eeprom register is recalled, which loads the initial wiper value during power-up. digital control digital control allows the user to select each switch in a make before break mode, transferring the potential to the wiper. digital potentiometers intersil selection guide dcp o verview dcp structure dcp = digitally controlled potentiometer t ap = switch position on resistor string r tot al = total resistance wiper (vw/ rw) = dcp output node dcp over view access c o n t r o l re gi s t er (acr ) v o l s hd n wi p 0 0 0 0 0 v h / r h v l / r l v w / r w o n l y o n e c l o s e s a t a t i m e r to t a l t a p 1 t a p 2 t a p 1 2 7 t a p 1 2 8 r esistor ladder the resistor array is comprised of individual resistors connected in series. there are electronic switches (taps) at each resistor junction, which have a common output node called a wiper (vw/rw). each physical end of the array is described as a terminal and referred to as vh/ rh and vl/rl, and the resistance between the terminals is referred to as r total . data 8 1 clock www.intersil.com/dcps-dccs | 3 vref (with trim) i.e. isl21009 trim system errors trimmable voltage reference v in v w v l v h r1 r2 v o temp trim gnd v out controls center frequency tunable bandpass filter igmf model r1 c1 c2 r2 r3 v s v o - + controls cutoff frequency controls passband gain low pass filter programmable filter and gain block r1 r c r2 v s - + v o non-inverting filter adjust offset, gain, dc signal control programmable inverting amplifier gnd 5v -5v - + v cc v l v o v h v w r1 r2 programmable voltage regulator 100k? v o (reg) v in (unreg) [(v o + iv)] r (10k?) voltage regulator error shutdown controls output voltage digital potentiometers intersil selection guide dcp appli ca tions digit a lly programmable ? voltage amplifier ? filter ? voltage reference ? voltage regulator dcp s enable d igitall y c ontrolled a nalog signal p rocessing dcps allow for digital flexibility in an analog circuit. dcps provide a link between the digital and analog domains in the system, allowing repeatable control and configuration of analog circuitry. this approach is typically more power-efficient than computationally intensive digital signal processing. for more information, please see an133. dcp applications 4 | www.intersil.com/dcps-dccs digital potentiometers intersil selection guide fea tured intersil dcp s t rue digit al rheost a t known accuracy allows for precise settings. - + low cost: isl23511/isl23512 volatile dcps also available see also: isl95811, isl22511/12, isl223x3/4x4 1% 1% 1% s c l s d a r ref power-u p , inter f ace , r h r l r w g n d a 1 vc c ref_ a ref_ b eepr o m an d contro l l o g i c single, non- volatile isl 96017 s mallest dcp wit h 16kbit s extra memor y 1 st l ow v oltage precision dcp s mallest non v olatile push-button dcp f irst 125c non -v olatile dcp isl96017 tiny 3x3 tdfn package isl22317 typically >99% accurate at each tap isl22511/12 2.15x1.65mm tqfn package isl22346 tiny quad dcp in 4x4 tqfn package key fea tures and benefit s ? save space/cost by eliminating eeprom chip ? integrate additional intelligence key fea tures and benefit s ? eliminates additional calibration ? temperature drift reduction C mirrors the temperature coefficient of the external reference resistor key fea tures and benefit s ? simple push-button interface - no software required ? auto/manual store C ease of use ? zero-compensated wiper resistance - minimizes error of use key fea tures and benefit s ? 128-tap, non-volatile, set & forget ? save power with its shutdown feature appli ca tions ? store multiple start-up values appli ca tions ? set specific current and resistor values appli ca tions ? adjust volume/contrast/backlight ? additional user feature, i.e gain control appli ca tions ? bias control ? calibrate for extreme environments isl96017 128-tap dcp 16kbit e 2 prom 2 . 90mm 2.15mm 1 . 00 mm 0.55 mm 2 . 80mm 1.65mm 8 ld tsot 10 ld tqfn 56% smaller 45% shorter m ilitary t emperature (-55 to +125c) in 20 ld t sso p package 4x4mm t iny tqf n package 1% t olerance auto store set & forget! single, volatile isl 22511/12 single, non- volatile isl 22317 quad, non- volatile isl22346 p acka ge and tempera ture option 99% a ccur acy tiny tqf n packa ge back light con trol dc-dc up down gain control voltage or current control www.intersil.com/dcps-dccs | 5 digital potentiometers intersil selection guide single dcps device number of t aps m emory t ype bus i nterface t ype r esistance options (k) v cc range (v) t erminal voltage range (v) r esistance t aper standby current i sb (a) package non-volatile x9116 16 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 10 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 8 ld msop, 8 ld soic isl22512 16 non-volatile push button 10 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 0.6 10 ld tqfn x9511 32 non-volatile push button 10 4.5 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 linear 200 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic x9313 32 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 1, 10, 50 3.0 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 linear 500 8 ld msop, 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic x9314 32 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 10 3.0 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 logarithmic 500 8 ld msop, 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic x9315 32 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 10, 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 8 ld msop, 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic x93154 32 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 50 2.7 to 3.3 0 to v cc linear 1 8 ld dfn, 8 ld msop x93155 32 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 50 4.5 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 2 8 ld msop x93156 32 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 12.5, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 8 ld msop isl22511 32 non-volatile push button 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 0.6 8 ld soic, 10 ld tqfn x9420 64 non-volatile spi 2.5, 10 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 1 14 ld tssop, 16 ld pdip, 16 ld soic x9421 64 non-volatile spi 2.5, 10 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 14 ld tssop, 16 ld soic, 18 ld pdip x9428 64 non-volatile 2-wire 2.5, 10 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 1 14 ld tssop, 16 ld pdip, 16 ld soic x9429 64 non-volatile 2-wire 2.5, 10 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 14 ld tssop, 16 ld soic, 18 ld pdip x9317 100 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 1, 10, 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 8 ld msop, 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic, 8 ld tssop x9318 100 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 10 4.5 to 5.5 0 to +8 linear 300 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic x9319 100 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 10, 50 4.5 to 5.5 0 to +10 linear 300 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic x9c102 100 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 1 4.5 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 linear 750 8 ld other, 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic x9c103 100 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 10 4.5 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 linear 750 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic x9c104 100 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 100 4.5 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 linear 750 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic x9c303 100 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 32 4.5 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 logarithmic 750 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic, 8 ld tssop x9c503 100 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 50 4.5 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 linear 750 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic isl22316 128 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 10 ld msop isl22317 128 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 500 10 ld tdfn isl22319 128 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 850 8 ld msop isl22416 128 non-volatile spi 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 10 ld msop isl22419 128 non-volatile spi 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 850 8 ld msop isl95310 128 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to +13.2 linear 2 10 ld msop isl95311 128 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to +13.2 linear 2 10 ld msop ISL95710 128 non-volatile 3-wire (up/down) 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 linear 0.5 (typ) 10 ld msop isl95711 128 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 linear 0.5 (typ) 10 ld msop isl96017 128 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 3.0 to 3.6 0 to v cc linear 10 8 ld dfn x9271 256 non-volatile spi 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 14 ld tssop x9279 256 non-volatile 2-wire 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 14 ld tssop, 18 ld pdip isl22313 256 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50, 100 2.25 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 2.5 10 ld msop isl22414 256 non-volatile spi 10, 50, 100 2.25 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 2.5 10 ld msop isl95810 256 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 8 ld dfn, 8 ld msop isl95811 256 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 10 8 ld dfn, 8 ld msop x9110 1024 non-volatile spi 100 2.7 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 linear 3 14 ld tssop x9111 1024 non-volatile spi 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 3 14 ld tssop x9118 1024 non-volatile 2-wire 100 2.7 to 5.5 -5.0 to +5.0 linear 3 14 ld tssop x9119 1024 non-volatile 2-wire 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 3 14 ld tssop volatile isl23512 16 volatile push button 10 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 0.6 10 ld tqfn x9015 32 volatile 3-wire (up/down) 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 8 ld msop, 8 ld pdip, 8 ld soic isl23511 32 volatile push button 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 0.6 8 ld soic, 10 ld tqfn isl90460 32 volatile 2-pin (up/down) 10, 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 5 ld sc-70, 5 ld sot-23 isl90461 32 volatile 2-pin (up/down) 10, 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 6 ld sc-70, 6 ld sot-23 isl90462 32 volatile 2-pin (up/down) 10, 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 6 ld sc-70, 6 ld sot-23 isl23710 128 volatile 3-wire (up/down) 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 0.5 10 ld msop isl23711 128 volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 0.5 10 ld msop isl90726 128 volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 0.5 6 ld sc-70 isl90727 128 volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 0.5 6 ld sc-70 isl90728 128 volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 0.5 6 ld sc-70 isl90810 256 volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 8 ld msop isl23315 256 volatile i 2 c 10, 50, 100 1.7 to 5.5, v logic 1.2 0 to v cc linear <2.5 10 ld msop, 10 tqfn isl23415 256 volatile spi 10, 50, 100 1.7 to 5.5, v logic 1.2 0 to v cc linear <2.5 10 ld msop, 10 tqfn la rgest selection of digit a l potentiometers 6 | www.intersil.com/dcps-dccs digital potentiometers intersil selection guide dual dcps quad dcps device number of t aps m emory t ype bus i nterface t ype r esistance options (k) v cc range (v) t erminal voltage range (v) r esistance t aper standby current i sb (a) package non-volatile x93254 32 non-volatile 3-wire (up/ down) 50 2.7 to 3.3 0 to v cc linear 1 14 ld tssop x93255 32 non-volatile 3-wire (up/ down) 50 4.5 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 4 14 ld tssop x93256 32 non-volatile 3-wire (up/ down) 12.5, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 14 ld tssop x9221a 64 non-volatile 2-wire 2, 10, 50 4.5 to 5.5 -3.0 to +5.0 linear 500 20 ld pdip, 20 ld soic x9418 64 non-volatile 2-wire 2.5, 10 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 1 24 ld pdip, 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop x9410 64 non-volatile spi 10 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 1 24 ld pdip, 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop isl22326 128 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 14 ld tssop isl22329 128 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 850 10 ld msop isl22426 128 non-volatile spi 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 14 ld tssop isl22429 128 non-volatile spi 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 850 10 ld msop x9268 256 non-volatile 2-wire 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 5 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop x9269 256 non-volatile 2-wire 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop x95820 256 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 14 ld tssop x9260 256 non-volatile spi 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 5 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop x9261 256 non-volatile spi 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop isl22323 256 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50, 100 2.25 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 4 14 ld tssop, 16 ld qfn isl22424 256 non-volatile spi 10, 50, 100 2.25 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 4 14 ld tssop, 16 ld qfn volatile x9460 32 volatile 2-wire 32 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 logarithmic 3 14 ld tssop isl22102 32 volatile push button 32 2.7 to 5.5 0 to av cc logarithmic 395 14 ld tssop, 20 ld qfn device number of t aps m emory t ype bus i nterface t ype r esistance options (k) v cc range (v) t erminal voltage range (v) r esistance t aper standby current i sb (a) package non-volatile x9241a 64 non-volatile 2-wire 2, 10, 50 4.5 to 5.5 -3.0 to +5.0 linear 500 20 ld pdip, 20 ld soic, 20 ld tssop x9408 64 non-volatile 2-wire 2.5, 10 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 1 24 ld pdip, 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop x9409 64 non-volatile 2-wire 2.5, 10 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop x9400 64 non-volatile spi 2.5, 10 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 1 24 ld pdip, 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop x9401 64 non-volatile spi 2.5, 10 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 1 24 ld pdip, 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop isl22346 128 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 20 ld tssop isl22349 128 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 2400 14 ld tssop isl22446 128 non-volatile spi 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 20 ld tssop isl22449 128 non-volatile spi 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 2400 14 ld tssop x9252 256 non-volatile 2-wire, 3-wire (up/down) 2, 10, 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 100 24 ld tssop x9258 256 non-volatile 2-wire 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 5 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop x9259 256 non-volatile 2-wire 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop x95840 256 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 20 ld tssop x9250 256 non-volatile spi 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 5 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop x9251 256 non-volatile spi 50, 100 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 3 24 ld pdip, 24 ld soic, 24 ld tssop isl22343 256 non-volatile i 2 c 10, 50, 100 2.25 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 4 20 ld qfn, 20 ld tssop isl22444 256 non-volatile spi 10, 50, 100 2.25 to 5.5 -5.5 to +5.5 linear 4 20 ld qfn, 20 ld tssop volatile isl90840 256 volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 20 ld tssop isl90841 256 volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 14 ld tssop isl90842 256 volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 5 14 ld tssop isl90843 256 volatile i 2 c 10, 50 2.7 to 5.5 0 to v cc linear 2800 10 ld dfn, 10 ld msop la rgest selection of digit a l potentiometers www.intersil.com/dcps-dccs | 7 intersil dcp quick reference volatile (no eeprom memory) non-volatile (eeprom memory) special function dcps single 16- t ap (4-bits) isl23512 - 10k?, push button single 32- t ap (5-bits) x9015 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, up-down isl23511 - 10k? / 50k?, push button isl90460 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, up-down, rheostat isl90461 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, up-down, 2-terminal isl90462 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, up-down, 2-terminal single 128- t ap (7-bits) isl90726 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c, 2-terminal isl90727 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c, 2-terminal isl90728 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c, 2-terminal isl23711 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c isl23710 - 10k? / 50k?, up-down single 256- t ap (8-bits) isl90810 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c isl23315 - 10k / 50k / 100k, i 2 c,low voltage isl23415 - 10k / 50k / 100k, spi,low voltage d d quad 256- t ap (8-bits) isl90840 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c isl90841 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c, 2-terminal isl90842 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c, 2-terminal isl90843 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c, wiper only dual 32- t ap (5-bits) x9460 - 32k?, log taper, 2-wire isl22102 - 32k?, log taper, audio detect, push button d single 16-tap (4-bits) x9116 - 10k?, up-down isl22512 - 10k?, push button single 32- t ap (5-bits) x9313 - 1k? / 10k? / 50k?, up-down x9314 - 10k?, log taper, up-down x9315 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, up-down x93154 - 50k?, up-down, 2-terminal x93155 - 50k?, up-down, 2-terminal x93156 - 12.5k? / 50k?, up-down x9511 - 10k?, push button isl22511 - 10k? / 50k?, push button single 64- t ap (6-bits) x9429 - 2.5k? / 10k?, 2-wire single 100- t ap (~6.65-bits) x9317 - 1k? / 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, up-down x9318 - 10k?, up-down x9319 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, up-down x9c102 - 1k?, up-down x9c103 - 10k?, up-down x9c104 - 100k?, up-down x9c503 - 50k?, up-down x9c303 - 32k?, log taper, up-down single 128- t ap (7-bits) isl22316 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c isl22317 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, 1% tolerance, i 2 c isl22319 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c, wiper only isl95311 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c isl95711 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c isl96017 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c (16kbits extra eeprom) isl22416 - 10k? / 50k?, spi isl22419 - 10k? / 50k?, spi, wiper only isl95310 - 10k? / 50k?, up-down ISL95710 - 10k? / 50k?, up-down single 256- t ap (8-bits) isl95810 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c isl95811 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c isl22313 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, i 2 c isl22414 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, spi single 1024- t ap (10- bits) x9110 - 100k?, spi x9111 - 100k?, spi x9118 - 100k?, 2-wire x9119 - 100k?, 2-wire d d d e e d d d d d e d e d d d d d dual 32- t ap (5-bits) x93254 - 50k?, up-down, 2-terminal x93255 - 50k?, up-down, 2-terminal x93256 - 50k?, up-down dual 64- t ap (6-bits) x9410 - 10k?, spi x9221a - 2k? / 10k? / 50k?, 2-wire x9418 - 2.5k? / 10k?, 2-wire dual 128- t ap (7-bits) isl22326 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c isl22329 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c, wiper only isl22426 - 10k? / 50k?, spi isl22429 - 10k? / 50k?, spi, wiper only dual 256- t ap (8-bits) x95820 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c x9260 - 50k? / 100k?, spi x9261 - 50k? / 100k?, spi x9268 - 50k? / 100k?, 2-wire isl22323 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, i 2 c isl22424 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, spi d d d d d d d quad 64- t ap (6-bits) x9400 - 2.5k? / 10k?, spi x9401 - 10k?, spi x9241a - 2k? / 10k? / 50k?, 2-wire x9408 - 2.5k? / 10k?, 2-wire x9409 - 2.5k? / 10k?, 2-wire quad 128- t ap (7-bits) isl22346 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c isl22349 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c, wiper only isl22446 - 10k? / 50k?, spi isl22449 - 10k? / 50k?, spi, wiper only quad 256- t ap (8-bits) x95840 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c x9250 - 50k? / 100k?, spi x9251 - 50k? / 100k?, spi x9252 - 2k? / 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, 2-wire x9258 - 50k? / 100k?, 2-wire x9259 - 50k? / 100k?, 2-wire isl22343 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, i 2 c isl22444 - 10k? / 50k? / 100k?, spi d d d d d d d dual audio dcp - i ntegrated output b uffer amps and audio detect isl22102 - 32k, log taper, push button, 0 to -72db dynamic range low voltage 1% tolerant precision dcp & low temperature coeffcient isl22317 - 10k / 50k / 100k, i 2 c programmable voltage r eference x60250 - micro-power, 8-bit adjustable, 0 to 1.25v isl21400 - programmable gain and temperature slope sensor conditioners with adc, e 2 p rom l ook-up t ables, and dacs x96010 - dual, 2-wire x96011 - single with temperature sensor, 2-wire x96012 - dual with temperature sensor, 2-wire single 128- t ap dcp with 16kbits g eneral purpose e 2 p rom isl96017 - 10k? / 50k?, i 2 c tft/l cd programmable v c om calibrator (128 step) isl45041 - i 2 c isl45042 - up-down positive and negative terminal voltage d extended positive terminal voltage e lc-058.3 printed in usa 12/10 ? 2010 intersil americas inc. all rights reserved. the following are trademarks or registered trademarks of intersil americas inc.: intersil, intersil logo, i and design. all other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners. north ameri ca west co ast i ntersil h eadquarters 1001 m urphy r anch r oad m ilpitas, ca 95035 (tel) 408-432-8888 (f ax) 408-434-5351 1-888-intersil 1-888-468-3774 east co ast 1650 r obert j 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